
2023年1月4日—Note:IftheregistrarorDNShostingforadomainchangedrecently,flushthemaindomainnamefirstbeforeflushingsubdomains.,2022年6月9日—Google的快取清除頁面簡單明瞭,填入您要清除的網域後選擇類型,點擊下方的FlushCache就清除全球GoogleDNS解析了。,2023年5月7日—GototheHistorymenu,selectDeleteBrowsingHistory,checkallboxes(exceptpasswords,ifdesired)andclickDelete.Mozilla ...,2021年6月30日—Ifyounotice...

Flush Cache

2023年1月4日 — Note: If the registrar or DNS hosting for a domain changed recently, flush the main domain name first before flushing subdomains.


2022年6月9日 — Google 的快取清除頁面簡單明瞭,填入您要清除的網域後選擇類型,點擊下方的Flush Cache 就清除全球Google DNS 解析了。

How to clear the DNS Cache?

2023年5月7日 — Go to the History menu, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes (except passwords, if desired) and click Delete. Mozilla ...

How to refresh the DNS cache on OpenDNS' Global ...

2021年6月30日 — If you notice an IP discrepancy with any of our resolvers, scroll down to the very bottom of the screen and press the Refresh the Cache.


DNS query results are sometimes cached by routers (e.g., local ISPs' queries may be cached by ISPs' home routers), the local operating system or applications, ...

OpenDNS Cache Check

OpenDNS has huge caches, which is one reason OpenDNS makes your Internet experience faster. With CacheCheck, you can check what OpenDNS customers see when they ...


You can use to check how the DNS currently looks around the world, this is helpful to check that you've entered the correct ...


SmartCache is a DNS record handling technology invented by OpenDNS that allows users of our service to access websites even when they are inaccessible ...

Use OpenDNS

At this point, we highly suggest that you flush your DNS resolver cache and web browser caches to ensure that your new configuration settings take effect.

What is SmartCache?

2023年11月3日 — SmartCache - Here's how it works: When an authoritative DNS provider suffers an outage, all of the Websites it provides service for are ...